Lindsay Lozeau awarded “best concept” at i3: Investing in Ideas with Innovation

Filed in Uncategorized by on April 24, 2014 0 Comments

WPI held the final round of the i3: Investing in Ideas with Innovation Competition on Monday April 14, 2014. Lindsay Lozeau, an IGERT Fellow and PhD student in the Camesano lab, was awarded “best concept” for her presentation “AMProtection: Preventing Implant Infections in the First Place”. Lindsay and Professor Camesano collaborate with PhD student Todd Alexander and Professor Frank Hoy on this project.

In addition to the i3 prize, Lindsay also received a travel grant to attend any Gordon Research Conference of her choosing in the next year!

Congratulations, Lindsay!

IGERT students presenting at i3: Lindsay Lozeau, Hannah Strobel, Sarah Hernandez, and Heather Cirka

IGERT students presenting at i3: Lindsay Lozeau, Hannah Strobel, Sarah Hernandez, and Heather Cirka

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