Teaching STEM by Design: new ASEE publication
Professor Camesano recently contributed to an article in Advances in Engineering Education on teaching STEM concepts to middle-school teachers using the engineering design process. This publication talks about the work that Professors Billiar and Camesano have been doing to engage middle-school science and technology teachers in exciting new ways to teach engineering to their students. The Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program at WPI has received $774K from the National Science Foundation since 2008. Every summer, groups of middle-school teachers come to WPI to engage in cutting-edge bioengineering research with WPI professors, graduate students, and undergraduates. In addition to exploring their own research, teachers create a curriculum unit that they will take back to their classes. We have partnered with 15 middle-school teachers and their units have reached >2000 students in the Worcester area!
Jeanne Hubelbank, an Independent Consultant who heads up the evaluation and assessment for the RET program, along with Forest Grove Technology Teacher, Tom Oliva, are also co-authors on the study.