Research Seminar and Collaboration Visit at McGill

Professor Camesano presented research work from her laboratory at McGill University in the Department of Chemical Engineering on February 15, 2013. The title of the presentation was “Nanoparticle and peptide interactions with model cell membranes”. The work highlighted research of graduate students Kathleen Wang, Kellie Waterman, and Todd Alexander, along with undergraduate research projects that […]
Prof. Camesano Presents on Educational Research in Washington, D.C.

Prof. Camesano attended the National Science Foundation’s Conference on the Transforming Undergraduate Education in Science, Engineering and Mathematics (TUES) Program on January 23-25, 2013. Her presentation was entitled “Grand Challenges Approach to Undergraduate Nanobiotechnology Lab”, with co-authors Prof. Jianyu Liang (Materials Science and Mechanical Engineering) and Dr. Jeanne Hubelbank (Evaluation Consultant). This presentation described the […]
Presentation at Materials Research Society

Our work was recently presented at the Materials Research Society’s Fall Meeting, in Boston, MA. Professor Camesano gave an invited lecture on “Atomic Force Spectroscopy Analysis of Role of LapA in Adhesion of Pseudomonas fluorescens“, with co-authors Ivan E Ivanov1, Chelsea Boyd2, and George A. O’Toole2. 1, Chemical Engineering, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Worcester, Massachusetts, USA; 2, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth College, Hanover, New […]
10/7/12 New publication!

Our recent work on creating antibacterial surfaces has been accepted for publication in ACS Applied Material Interfaces. This work describes how we created different methods of attaching an antibacterial molecule to a surface, and demonstrated that the molecule will still capable of killing E. coli. The lead student researcher on the project was Ivan Ivanov, […]
Terri Camesano
At WPI, I teach in the department of Chemical Engineering. My favorite teaching activities are working on research projects with graduate and undergraduate students. I love to engage students in the discovery process of research. The work in my lab relates to studying how bacteria attach to different kinds of surfaces. For example, we have […]