New tool for C++ Programming with old cRIOs
From Jeff Downs, mentor on FRC Team 1511, Rolling Thunder:
If your team is like mine and has a bunch of old cRIOs laying around for prototyping use or installed on old robots to use for demonstrations and such, and you’ve been programming them using C++, you may have recently found yourself unable to program them anymore due to an expired WindRiver Workbench license!Well, we’ve developed a relatively simple to use plug-in for Eclipse that enables teams to continue to develop programs for their old cRIOs without WindRiver Workbench. This enables cRIO development alongside current roboRIO-based development in the same IDE.If this interests you and your team, you can get the plug-in by following the instructions on the project page over at Teamforge. You can find the instructions and Eclipse update site link on the Wiki page.
Thanks go to Patrick Plenefisch of WPI for bundling the toolchain that backs the plugin.
And thank you Jeff for pulling this together and helping teams use their investment in previous years robots and controllers! For more information and discussion on this new software project, look at the Chief Delphi thread.