Archive for January, 2015
FRC 2015 Field Pictures

To help teams see what a real field looks like in more detail, we are publishing a set of pictures featuring Kevin O’Connor, FIRST software engineer, that you can download of the FRC 2015 field as set up for the Kickoff filming. Feel free to download these images to help you verify your robot designs […]
Sample Images for Vision projects

Finding totes in this years game can be a challenge so to help you debug your robot programs and have images exactly like you’d see on a real field we have these photos of the field from the Manchester kickoff. It includes a number of sample images taken with an Axis camera, some at normal […]
FRCSim robotics simulator new for 2015

WPI, in conjunction with the Open Source Robotics Foundation, has developed a free and open-source 3-D simulation environment available to all FRC teams using C++ and Java. The FRCsim package is built on top of the Gazebo robotics simulator that has matured under DARPA funding. Using FRCSim, teams can develop and deploy C++ or Java WPILib robot programs to […]
FRC 2168 OpenCV library for the roboRIO and BeagleBone processors

OpenCV is the premier open source vision library and can be found in many commercial and research robots. From the OpenCV web site: “OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS […]