STEAM Together

Science I Technology I Engineering I Art I Mathematics

Design, Build and Test with WPI Students and Faculty!

Live Virtual STEAM Programs

for Middle & High School Students
(including learning pods and on-site afterschool programs)





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Wednesday, January 27
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Hosted by WPI Engineering Ambassadors

Learn how computer scientists and engineers apply their knowledge of computer systems to protect our online presence. We will decode and encrypt messages in Caesar cyphers and Polybius square cyphers.

Supplies needed: 3 Activity Worksheets, Scissors, Paper, Pencil

Register here


Wednesday, February 10
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Hosted by Dr. Duncan, Mathematician Magician

Art is all around us! We see it everywhere in our daily lives: in the design of buildings, in the beauty of nature, and even in the clothes we wear (just to name a few).  Much like people, each piece of art is unique and has a unique perspective which influences the way that we interact with it. In traditional forms of art, such as drawings and paintings, we use perspective to give our artwork definition in terms of viewing angle and distance. In this session you will be the artist and learn how to give your artwork a new perspective! So grab your pencil and paper, and let’s get drawing!!

Supplies needed: Blank paper, pencils, an eraser, and a ruler. And don’t forget to bring your favorite colors to make it really pop!

Register here

Stuffed Animal Prosthetics

Wednesday, February 24
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Hosted by WPI Engineering Ambassadors

Learn how engineers apply their knowledge to replace limbs by using technology and materials to provide people and animals with independence, mobility, and experiences. In the activity we will invite you to take a stuffed animal from home to create a prosthetic limb for it!

Supplies needed:  Stuffed Animal (Anything with 4 legs), Attachment to Body (Paper Cup/ Cardstock), Paw/Foot (Sponge, Cardboard/ Felt), Leg (PVC Pipe, Empty Paper Towel Roll), Padding (Cotton Balls, Felt, Sponge/ Bubble Wrap), Connectors (String, Tape/ Rubber Bands), Paper, Pencil

Register here

Bridges: Connecting People All Over the World

Wednesday, March 10
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Hosted by WPI Teacher Pre-Practicum Students

Engineers continue to use new and exciting designs to break boundaries with bridges, while making the people that use them safe. Every action force has an equal and opposite reaction force; engineers analyze both the external and internal forces on bridges to make sure they are safe; strength of a bridge has to do with its geometric shapes. Sketch Your Designs, Build Your Bridge, Predict the Maximum Weight Capacity, test your bridge and Repeat the process.

Supplies needed: 20 Plastic Drinking Straws (not the bendy type) or Popsicle Sticks, Tape, Scissors, 200-300 pennies (or other small weights, i.e. soup cans), Small Paper/Plastic Cups, Books/Two Desks (or other supporting structures), Ruler or Measuring Stick, Paper and Pencil.

Register here

Lego Coding

Wednesday, March 24
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Hosted by WPI Engineering Ambassadors

Hear about how computer scientists write code to communicate with computers in order to create different programs and applications. On the provided worksheet you will become the programmer for your maze and select different code commands that are provided to you to navigate your way through the maze!

Supplies needed:  Maze and Functions Worksheets, Scissors, 25 Legos, Scotch Tape/ Masking Tape, Paper, Pencil

Click here for downloadable activity sheet.

Register here

Caring for Animals with X-rays

Wednesday, April 7
3:00 – 4:00 PM
Hosted by Dr. Cyndie Webster, Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine at Tufts University

Experience the job of a veterinarian specializing in disorders of the stomach and intestine in dogs and cats. See some of the tools they use to diagnose and treat these diseases in animals. You get the chance read some x-rays of animals being treated at the hospital.



Register here

For questions and assistance with supplies for groups, please contact Jovietthe, at