NACE: “The Social Jobs Partnership”

Filed in News by on November 29, 2011

Social media platforms have been put to work. In late October, Facebook, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Labor, the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), and other major stakeholders announced they are moving forward with the “Social Jobs Partnership.”

Recognizing that social media tools are valuable for recruiting efforts, these organizations seek to make a positive impact on the job market for college students and graduates. According to Marne Levine, Facebook Vice President of Global Public Policy, “We’ve brought employers, recruiters, college career services, and government agencies together to help the millions of Americans who use Facebook find jobs.”

Initiatives from this Social Jobs Partnership include: developing a central page on Facebook, conducting broader surveys and research on social media recruitment, using Facebook as a free job-posting site, promoting government programs and resources for job seekers, and distributing education materials and related information.

To explore the Social Jobs Partnership site, visit To connect with the WPI Career Development Center via social media, consider joining our LinkedIn Group, which is specifically geared for employer connections, or our Facebook Page geared for student events.

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