MBL website updated, and so much news!

Filed in Uncategorized by on November 16, 2021

Hi all – it’s been since Covid that I updated the site. Whew! Here’s a quick rundown of the lab highlights since then.

  • Megan Mancuso graduated with her PhD in August, 2020!  Congratulations Dr. Mancuso!  She is working at Mathworks now.
  • Nicole Mattson graduated with her MS in May, 2021!  Congratulations Nicole!  She is working at Verys Engineering now.
  • Andrew Wilzman, Logan Gaudette, Talia Vaughn and Bryhannah Young all joined the lab as graduate students.  Welcome everyone!
  • We started a new project looking at Metatarsal bone stress injuries in runners.  Learn more about it on our Projects page.
  • Karen won the ASB Founder’s Award in 2021.  Congratulations, Karen!

About the Author ()

Professor in Biomedical Engineering at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Director of the Musculoskeletal Biomechanics Laboratory.

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