Brajendra Mishra Receives 2015 Presidential Citation
Brajendra Mishra, CR3 co-Director, has been selected by the 2013 President of the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical & Petroleum Engineers (AIME), Dale Heinz, and the AIME Board as the 2015 Presidential Citation recipient of AIME. He was selected for “being the champion of cross-disciplinary efforts in the areas of sustainability and carbon management, and […]
AMRT Joins CR3
CR3 welcomes our newest member – Advanced Mineral Recovery Technologies Limited (AMRT Ltd.). AMRT Ltd. provides an innovative, economic solution to environmental challenges posed by waste from mining and smelting of metals. The patent-pending AMRT Process is able to recover valuable metals from materials that are currently dumped.
CR3 Fall Meeting October 13-14
Join us for the 2014 Fall Meeting of the Center for Resource Recovery & Recycling (CR3) on October 13 and 14 at KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium. The meeting is open to all members and interested guests. Guests will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to attending the meeting. Meeting logistics and agenda for […]
CR3 Spring Meeting April 29-30
Join us for the 2014 Spring Meetings of the Center for Resource Recovery & Recycling (CR3) on April 29 and 30 at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI), Worcester, MA. The meeting is open to all members and interested guests. Guests will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement prior to attending the meeting. Meeting logistics and […]
MPI Involved in LM3I – a $148 Million White House Initiative
The Metal Processing Institute (MPI) at Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) is one of four core academic facilities comprising the American Lightweight and Modern Materials Manufacturing Innovation Institute (LM3I), a new $148 million initiative recently announced by the White House that is aimed at helping to revitalize the nation’s manufacturing capabilities and competitiveness. LM3I is part […]
WPI awarded $7.4 million by Army Research Lab
WPI is the lead institution on a $7.4 million, multi-university award from the U.S. Army. Richard Sisson, WPI professor and Director of the Center for Heat Treating Excellence, is the PI. Diran Apelian (WPI professor/Director of the Metal Processing Institute at WPI), Yan Wang (WPI professor/Center for Resource Recovery & Recycling (CR3)), Makhlouf Makhlouf (WPI […]
CR3 Technology Nominated as Breakthrough
The Center for Resource Recovery & Recycling is pleased to announce that The Continuous Flow Device has been nominated for inclusion in the 2014 Compendium of Industry-Nominated Technology Breakthroughs. The device is an outcome of the CR3 project: Accurate and Precise Optoelectronic Measurement of Molten Metal Chemistry. The research was conducted by Professor Diran Apelian, […]
2014 European Rare Earth Resources Conference
The first ever European Rare Earth Resources (EURARE) Conference will be held September 4-6, 2014 in Milos, Greece. The objective of the conference is to set the basis for development of a European Rare Earth Element (REE) industry. It will safeguard the uninterrupted supply of REE raw materials and products crucial for sectors of the […]
Aluminum Integrated Minimill to Transform Aluminum Processing
Energy Research Company and wTe Corporation (members of the Center for Resource Recovery&Recycling (CR3)) along with Materials Strategies LLC have won an award from the Department of Energy’s ARPA-E program to develop an Aluminum Integrated Minimill (AIM). AIM will use 100% mixed aluminum scrap as the input to produce a specification cast product in a […]