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Month: December 2017

New Study Suggests Proposals are 2x More Likely to be Funded if Reviewed Before Submission

Posted in Uncategorized

A study released by Columbia University School of Nursing shows that proposals which undergo an internal review process before being submitted to an external agency are twice as likely to get funded than those submitted without review. Though this may not come as a surprise, this demonstrates why it’s so beneficial to send your draft proposal to your colleagues and OSP for feedback as early as possible. To read more, view the “Inside HigherEd” article here.


NIH‐funded Human Subjects Research/Clinical Trials and the Transition to Forms E

Posted in NIH

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has instituted new requirements for studies involving clinical trials and human subjects, as well as new forms that go into effect for NIH applications with deadlines on or after January 25, 2018.  The attached PDF file outlines the new changes and contains helpful links to the NIH policies. Please contact your OSP representative with any questions.

