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Month: February 2019

Revised NSF PAPPG – February 25, 2019

Posted in NSF

Below is a link to the updated PAPPG (NSF 19-1), which is effective on February 25, 2019.

Here are a few changes that should be noted regarding proposal preparation:

  • Subawards, has been updated to clarify that the description of the work to be performed by the subaward must be included in the project description.
  • Types of Proposals, specifies that “RAPID”, “EAGER” and “RAISE” must be included in the proposal project title. The language has been updated to indicate that these proposal types are not eligible for reconsideration.
  • Proposal Font, Spacing and Margin Requirements, has been updated to specify that fonts not listed in the PAPPG may be used for mathematical formulas, equations, or when inserting Greek letters or special characters.
  • Synergistic Activities, has been revised to specify that a list should include up to five distinct examples that demonstrate the broader impact of the individual’s professional and scholarly activities that focuses on the integration and transfer of knowledge as well as its creation.

You can find a full list of significant changes and clarifications at:

If you are planning a submission to the National Science Foundation, please carefully read the update in its entirety.  Please be advised that non-compliance with these changes could result in your proposal being returned without review.

Do not hesitate to reach out to your pre-award contact with any questions or concerns.