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Category: WPI

Proposal Routing Form (PRF) is now electronically routed in DocuSign

Posted in WPI

We are pleased to announce, that we are currently in the process of moving our Proposal Routing Form (PRF) to DocuSign from the current PDF version.

Some of you may have used DocuSign already, but if not, it is really simple and compatible with both desktop and mobile devices.  You will simply get an email notification that you have a PRF to sign and you will have the ability to quickly access and sign it digitally.  You can also track your PRFs within the system if you create an account, but you do not have to create an account to sign a document.

Please contact your pre-award contact with any questions.

Proposal Preparation and Submission Timelines

Posted in WPI

All proposals to external sponsors require review and approval by OSP prior to submission. If you are intending to submit a proposal, please Notify us as soon as possible so that we can support your efforts.


Proposal Action Due to Pre-Award
in Advance of Deadline
1. Initial notification of intent to submit a proposal We request at least 3 weeks in advance so that we can provide the greatest assistance.
2. Final budget, budget justification, and draft project description/research strategy/SOW.  All subaward documentation. 5 business days in advance
3. Final documents for submission (excl. final project description/research strategy/SOW) 2 business days in advance
4. Final project description/research strategy/SOW By 8AM on day of submission


Open Department of Defense Funding Opportunities

Posted in DoD, and WPI

Please see the attached funding announcements below from the Department of Defense.

Proposals for the “Warfighter Analytics using Smartphones for Health” must be submitted by June 23rd, 2017 at 12:00pm (noon).

Pre-proposals for the “Extramural Biomedical Research and Development”, funding opportunity number #W81XWH-17-R-SOC1, are due by July 28, 2017.  Invitations to submit full proposals will occur on or about September 1, 2017.

Please contact Antje Harnisch, Director of the Office of Sponsored Programs, or Vice Provost of Research Bogdan Vernescu with any questions.




Open Limited Submissions

Posted in WPI

Two new National Science Foundation Limited Submission opportunities have recently been posted on the Office of Sponsored Programs website.  Materials for both the “Big Data Regional Innovation Hubs: Establishing Spokes to Advance Big Data Applications” (Solicitation: NSF 17-546) and “ADVANCE: Increasing the Participation and Advancement of Women in Academic Science and Engineering Careers” (Solicitation: 16-594) are due by Monday, May 15th, 2017 to the Office of Sponsored Programs. Interested faculty members should submit a brief (1-3 page) abstract of the project and a budget outline with an accompanying justification to their Office of Sponsored Programs representative after submitting an Notice of Intent to Submit.

Please contact the Office of Sponsored Programs with any questions. We are here to help!

Office of Sponsored Programs Open House

Posted in WPI

Dear Colleagues,

The Office of Sponsored Programs and Sponsored Programs Accounting will host an open house on Thursday, May 11, 11:30 am – 1:30 pm at our location on 15 Schussler Road.

Stop by anytime during the open house to meet our staff, check out our new home, learn about our services, and tell us what we can do better to meet your needs.  We want to hear from you.

A light lunch will be provided.

We hope to see many of you!