Institute Teams Each team will consist of a minimum of five members (including a designated leader) from across disciplines and administration staff. A team’s institutional diversity helps facilitate implementing a comprehensive change in the curriculum and sustains the foundations of initiatives arising from work at the Institute.
Institute Takeaway Whether looking to bring about institutional change to support project-based learning, or to make change in general education or in the major, in one department or across the campus — each team will be mentored by Institute faculty whose expertise aligns with the team’s needs to help in the development of curricular and organizational strategies tailored to their own institutions. Teams will leave the Institute with an enhanced understanding of project-based learning and a tailored plan to advance work on their own campuses. Each team will deliver a concise presentation of its action plan to gather feedback and advice.
Application Schedule
The application deadline for the 2025 Institute on Project-Based Learning has been extended to February 24, 2025.
Notifications regarding acceptance will be sent to teams no later than Feb 28, 2025.
Application Fees The registration fee for the Institute will cover tuition, materials, and consultations; a reception on Tuesday night, three breakfasts, three lunches, and snacks. A limited number of hotel rooms near campus also will be available at a group rate. Reservations and additional costs for hotel lodging will be the responsibility of the teams. Travel costs to and from the Institute are the responsibility of the teams.
- $8,500 per five-member team
- $1,700 per additional team member beyond five (as space permits)
Application Requirements Applicants should note the following requirements:
- Each team must consist of a minimum of five members (including a designated leader) recommended from across disciplines and administration staff. A team’s institutional diversity helps facilitate implementing a comprehensive change in the curriculum and sustains the foundations of initiatives arising from work at the Institute.
- If accepted, registration fees as outlined above apply.
- Institute applicants are required to submit a goal or specific project they want to address at the Institute. Details on the application components and selection criteria can be found below.
Application Components and Selection Criteria Institute applicants should submit a goal or a specific project they want to address. Applicants are asked to explicitly address the following questions when formulating the narrative. Read more
What is the current state of project-based learning on your campus? What has motivated a desire for additional action related to project-based learning? Which aspects of project-based learning are you hoping to learn about and implement?
What high-priority tasks do you expect your team to work on during the Institute? These should be the tasks that, if advanced substantially during the Institute, would lead your team and colleagues to judge your efforts a success.
In what ways do your team members reflect the opportunities for implementing project-based learning on your campus? How do they reflect the diversity and the various interest groups on your campus?
Educators from many different types of institutions will be participating, and this is a great opportunity for institutions to learn from one another. What perspective do you believe your team can bring to the Institute that will be of interest to other participants?
Team leader contact information should also be available at the start of the application.
Application Questions If you have any questions regarding the application form, please contact Sara Ringer at slringer@wpi.edu.