
Tuesday October 22, 2019

The Program included Keynote speakers, panel discussion, poster sessions, opportunities to network and a reception.

Capturing the day!

Photos from the Research Symposium

Videos of our keynote speakers

Research Symposium: Campus Center, Odeum 8:00 am – 4:00 pm

8:00 AM - Registration Opens
8:40 AM - Opening by Prof. Jing Xiao, RBE Director
8:50 AM - President Laurie Leshin | Welcoming Remarks
9:00 AM - Dr. Robert Howe | Keynote: Robot Hands for the Real World
9:45 AM - Dr. Wolfram Burgard | Keynote: Probabilistic and Machine Learning Approaches for Autonomous Robots and Automated Driving
10:30 AM - Coffee Break | Poster & Demo Session
11:00 AM - Panel Discussion: Robotics Research Directions and Applications
11:45 AM - Provost Winston (Wole) Soboyejo | Remarks of the Day
12:00 PM - Lunch Break | Poster & Demo Session
1:00 PM - Dr. Shigeki Sugano | Keynote: Robots in Imagination and Real World - From Greek Mythology to TWENDY-ONE Robot
1:45 PM - Dr. Al Rizzi | Keynote: Robotics Development at Boston Dynamics
2:30 PM - Coffee Break | Poster & Demo Session
3:00 PM - Panel Discussion: Integration of Robotics Research and Education
3:45 PM - Closing Remarks by Dean John McNeill of Engineering and Prof. Craig Wills on behalf of Dean Jean King of Arts and Sciences

Reception: Alden Hall 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm

Thank you to Ava Robotics for lending us a telepresence robot, so that Ken Stafford, Teaching Professor Emeritus could join us at the reception.

Celebrate 10-Years of RBE - Special Awards
Robot Band