Lily and Dr. Stewart’s “Vasculature-on-a-chip technologies as platforms for advanced studies of bacterial infections” review paper was accepted and published in a special edition of Biomicrofluidics
Congratulations to Lily on all her hard work! We encourage you to take a look and read through the paper here. Vasculature-on-a-chip technologies as platforms for advanced studies of bacterial infections DOI: 10.1063/5.0179281
Chloé González-Dilly joins the Stewart Lab as a Master’s student
We are excited to have Chloé join our research team as she pursues a Master’s Thesis in Chemical Engineering. Chloé is part of a joint program between WPI and Ecole Nationale Supérieures des Industries Chimiques (ENSIC) in Nancy, France. She completed a highly competitive, selective two-year program focused on advanced biology, geology, mathematics, physics and […]