Sydney presents at the 101st New England Complex Fluids Meeting at Harvard University
Sydney presents a SoundBite at the 101st New England Complex Fluids Meeting at Harvard University on “Machine learning to characterize biocolloidal properties of bacterial clusters released from biofilms.”
Dr. Stewart delivers an invited talk at the University of New Haven in New Haven, CT!
Dr. Stewart delivers an invited talk to share recent work on biofilms as biocolloidal systems with the Chemistry and Chemical & Biomedical Engineering Department at the University of New Haven in New Haven, CT!
Sydney presents a poster on her and Lily’s engineering education research at the 2024 New England Educational Assessment Network (NEean) Fall Forum
November 7 – Sydney presents a poster on her and Lily’s engineering education research related to the “Assessment of Graduate and Undergraduate Students’ Communication Skill Development through STEM Outreach” at the 2024 New England Educational Assessment Network (NEean) Fall Forum. Nice job, Sydney and Lily!
Esai presents a poster at the AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA
Esai presents a poster at the AIChE Annual Meeting in San Diego, CA on his work collaborative work with Patryck, where they are developing a diffusiophoresis-based separator for removal colloidal particulate from water.
Nicole and Erin present their work at the AIChE Annual Meeting Undergraduate poster Session in San Diego, CA
Nicole and Erin, two Stewart lab undergraduate researchers, present their work at the AIChE Annual Meeting Undergraduate poster Session in San Diego, CA. Congrats on your successful presentations!
Sydney presentss a poster at the NSF Research Traineeship Annual Meeting 2024 in Arlington, VA
Sydney presents a poster at the NSF Research Traineeship Annual Meeting in Arlington, VA on “Machine learning to predict efficacy of biofilm removal strategies using low-dimensional analysis of bacterial effluent.” She joined other WPI NRT fellows for the meeting and networked with NSF NRT graduate student trainees from throughout the country at the meeting.
Erin and Chauncey present their summer work at the WPI Summer Research Showcase
Erin presented their poster titled “Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm growth in soft microenvironments” and Chauncey presented his poster titled “Formulating liposomes for increased antimicrobial activity toward S. epidermidis cells and biofilms”. We enjoyed having them in the Stewart lab and had a lot of fun watching them grow as researchers throughout the summer! (L to R): […]
Patryck presents at the 99th New England Complex Fluids Meeting at Brown University
Patryck presents a SoundBite at the 99th New England Complex Fluids Meeting at Brown University on “Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm pH gradients contribute to the emergence of biofilm mechanics.” Nice job, Patryck!
Stewart and Bailey-Hytholt lab MQP team students received the WPI Provost’s Major Qualifying Project (MQP) Award
Stewart and Bailey-Hytholt lab MQP team students received the WPI Provost’s Major Qualifying Project (MQP) Award for their senior project titled “Formulating liposomes for increased antimicrobial activity toward Staphylococcus epidermidis.” The team presented their work at the Chemical Engineering MQP Poster Competition. Congrats to Mae Felkner, Emily Pimentel, Kate Stoncius, and Hannah Wolfgang for this […]
Prof. Stewart delivers invited virtual talk to U.S. Army DEVCOM Soldier Center in Natick, MA.
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