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Stewart lab group Summer 2024!

    (L to R): Patryck, Erin, Chloé, Lily, Prof. Stewart, Chauncey (missing: Sydney)

Erin and Chauncey present their summer work at the WPI Summer Research Showcase

Erin presented their poster titled “Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm growth in soft microenvironments” and Chauncey presented his poster titled “Formulating liposomes for increased antimicrobial activity toward S. epidermidis cells and biofilms”. We enjoyed having them in the Stewart lab and had a lot of fun watching them grow as researchers throughout the summer! (L to R): […]

Sydney successfully passes her Ph.D. research proposition.

Congrats Sydney!

Patryck presents at the 99th New England Complex Fluids Meeting at Brown University

Patryck presents a SoundBite at the 99th New England Complex Fluids Meeting at Brown University on “Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm pH gradients contribute to the emergence of biofilm mechanics.” Nice job, Patryck!

Erin O’Neill and Chauncey Michael join the lab

Erin O’Neill joins the lab as part of the Biomedical Engineering NSF REU program at Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Chauncey Micheal joins the lab as part of the WPI Early Research Experience in E-term (EREE) program.  We are excited to have Erin and Chauncey in the lab this summer!

Stewart and Bailey-Hytholt lab MQP team students received the WPI Provost’s Major Qualifying Project (MQP) Award

Stewart and Bailey-Hytholt lab MQP team students received the WPI Provost’s Major Qualifying Project (MQP) Award for their senior project titled “Formulating liposomes for increased antimicrobial activity toward Staphylococcus epidermidis.” The team presented their work at the Chemical Engineering MQP Poster Competition.  Congrats to Mae Felkner, Emily Pimentel, Kate Stoncius, and Hannah Wolfgang for this […]

Lily and Dr. Stewart’s Vasculature-on-a-chip review paper was accepted and published in a special edition of Biomicrofluidics

Lily and Dr. Stewart’s review article: “Vasculature-on-a-chip technologies as platforms for advanced studies of bacterial infections” was accepted for publication in a special collection of articles in Biomicrofluidics.  Check out the article here:        

Sydney receives the NCAA top ten award at the NCAA Convention in Phoenix, AZ!

Sydney received the NCAA top ten award!  Check out the press release on her award here:

The Stewart lab celebrates the end of the semester with a holiday lunch at the Fix!

(L to R):   Prof. Stewart, Chloé, Kitty, Lily, Sydney, Emily, Hannah

Sydney is selected to serve as a member of the WPI Provost Search Committee

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