Track 1: Creative Medicine

Biology & Biotechnology
Molecular detectives: finding the causes of antibiotic resistance in bacteria
Participants will get a taste of how microbiologists identify drug resistance in bacteria and determine its causes. We will spend some time in my research lab to learn a few basic lab techniques and try out the tools and equipment we use to measure important bacterial phenotypes like survival and growth. We will also look at real DNA sequencing data and talk about how we use DNA sequencing and genetic engineering to understand antibiotic resistance.
Led by: Scarlet Shell
Biomedical Engineering

What does slime have to do with biomedical engineering?
Have you ever made slime from Elmer’s glue? How about slime from other things? In this workshop, participants will learn the science behind slime and how this relates to biomedical engineering. Participates will create their own slime-like concoctions from materials we use in the research lab to create new medicines.