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Beyond These Towers

The Campaign for Worcester Polytechnic Institute

Kranti Gunale ’20 MS Offers Gratitude for WPI Education

September 6, 2023

The WPI Office of Lifetime Engagement recently caught up with graduate alumna Kranti Gunale ’20. The mechanical Kranti Gunaleengineering major who is working as a manufacturing process engineer with Entegris, Inc. agreed to share her Beyond These Towers story. Read on to learn how WPI’s theory and practice are helping Gunale make a positive impact on the world.

Q. How have the education and life skills you gained at WPI gone on to support you in your career?
A. The education and life skills I gained at WPI have played a crucial role in shaping my career and professional development. The unique approach to project work at WPI significantly differed from my previous experiences, which served as a valuable learning experience for me. It taught me how to tackle real-world challenges collaboratively and provided me with a holistic understanding of problem-solving.

One of the key aspects I learned at WPI was the importance of being punctual and maintaining a structured approach while also being open to flexibility and embracing a growth mindset. This combination of traits has been instrumental in navigating my career successfully. By being organized and adhering to deadlines, I have been able to manage projects efficiently and deliver results on time. At the same time, the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and remain open to new ideas has allowed me to embrace opportunities for growth and continuous improvement.

Another significant aspect of my WPI experience was the opportunity to engage in various experiments and collaborative projects with other PhD students. This hands-on experience not only enhanced my technical skills but also gave me the confidence to dive into ground-level work. It taught me the importance of practical application and how theoretical knowledge must be complemented by real-world experience.

Overall, the education and life skills I acquired at WPI have proven to be invaluable assets in my career. The ability to work effectively in teams, stay organized, embrace change, and confidently approach practical challenges has positioned me for success and continuous growth in my professional journey.

Q. What drew you to WPI, and how was your overall WPI education experience?
A. I was drawn to WPI primarily because of its project-based curriculum. The emphasis on hands-on learning and practical application of knowledge appealed to me greatly. I believed that this approach would provide me with a more immersive and well-rounded educational experience compared to traditional lecture-based methods. Additionally, the fact that WPI maintained a balanced student-teacher ratio and had smaller class sizes further reinforced my decision to choose the university, as I knew it would foster a more personalized and interactive learning environment.

Another aspect that enriched my WPI experience was the opportunity to collaborate with a diverse group of students. Working with peers from various backgrounds and cultures not only broadened my horizons but also taught me the importance of teamwork and effective communication in achieving shared goals.

I must mention that the professors at WPI played a significant role in making my education experience positive. They were not only knowledgeable and passionate about their subjects but also supportive and open to new ideas. Their willingness to listen to students’ perspectives and encourage critical thinking inspired me to be more proactive in my approach to learning.

In conclusion, my time at WPI was highly rewarding. The project-based curriculum, the balanced student-teacher ratio, and the supportive learning environment all contributed to an enriching educational journey. The experiences and skills I gained at WPI have been instrumental in shaping my career and personal growth beyond graduation.

Q. Looking back, what was the most valuable experience or lesson learned at WPI that continues to shape your life today?
A. The most valuable experience that continues to shape my life today is the emphasis on practical problem-solving and the value of collaboration.

The project-based curriculum at WPI exposed me to a wide array of real-world challenges. It taught me to approach problems with a hands-on mindset, seeking creative and innovative solutions. This experience instilled in me the ability to think critically, analyze situations from multiple perspectives, and develop effective strategies to address complex issues.

Furthermore, the collaborative nature of the projects at WPI taught me the significance of teamwork and effective communication. Working with diverse groups of students with varying backgrounds and expertise, I learned the power of collective intelligence and the strength that comes from harnessing the ideas and skills of a team. This lesson continues to be relevant in my professional life, where teamwork and collaboration are essential for success in any field.

Beyond academics, my time at WPI also taught me the importance of time management and adaptability. Balancing the demands of coursework, projects, and extracurricular activities required discipline and efficient organization. These skills have proven invaluable in my career, where juggling multiple tasks and meeting deadlines are constant realities.

Overall, the practical problem-solving approach and the emphasis on collaboration have been the most significant and enduring lessons from my WPI experience. They have shaped the way I approach challenges and opportunities in my personal and professional life, and I continue to draw upon these lessons to achieve success and personal growth.

Q. How did serving as a member of the Graduate Student Government impact your experience at WPI?
A. As a Vice President of Graduate Student Government at WPI, my involvement in student leadership had a profound impact on my overall experience at the university. It provided me with a unique opportunity to actively engage with the day-to-day concerns and issues faced by fellow students and take these matters to the committee level. This experience was truly empowering, as I felt I could make a positive difference in the student community.

Working closely with the GSG team to organize enjoyable activities for students was particularly rewarding. Being part of creating a vibrant and inclusive campus environment brought me immense joy and satisfaction. It taught me valuable skills in event planning, communication, and teamwork, which have proven to be invaluable in my career.

Moreover, my active involvement in student leadership and organizing events helped me develop my personality in various aspects. I became more confident in public speaking, learned to manage responsibilities efficiently, and honed my ability to handle diverse perspectives and opinions. These skills have been instrumental not only in my academic journey but also in my professional life.

Beyond the academic realm, being involved in such extracurricular activities allowed me to build strong connections with my peers, faculty, and staff members. It enhanced my sense of belonging within the WPI community and fostered a deeper appreciation for the value of teamwork and collaboration.

Overall, being a part of the Graduate Student Government and actively contributing to the student experience through organizing events and addressing concerns has left a lasting impact on my personal and professional growth. The experiences I gained have helped me become a more well-rounded individual, equipping me with skills and perspectives that continue to serve me in my career and life beyond WPI.