Updated SpeedGrader Interface!
Canvas just released some exciting new updates to the SpeedGrader interface!
Due to popular demand, Canvas has moved around the tools you use most in SpeedGrader to make your grading process even more efficient. Check out the new interface:
The icons, starting from the left side are:
1) Go back to Gradebook
2) Mute Assignment
3) Keyboard Shortcuts
4) Help
5) Change Gradebook Settings
In the middle is quick access to Assignment Details and your grading statistics.
On the right side is the student roster, including information on who has submitted, who is left to be graded, and who has not yet submitted. Click the drop down menu to expand the list and use the right and left arrows to quickly navigate from one student to the next.
If you have any questions or would like a quick training, feel free to reach out to the ATC-TTL team anytime at atc-ttl@wpi.edu.