Canvas Update – June 2, 2018

Filed in Canvas by on June 1, 2018

Every three weeks, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform.

In this production release (June 2), Conferences can display multiple recording formats.  For outcomes and rubrics, imported outcome errors and warnings are more distinctive through clarified functionality, and the Find Rubrics window displays account and course names alphabetically when adding a rubric to an assignment. In the Rich Content Editor sidebar, the Links tab Course Navigation section reflects the same name as displayed in Course Navigation.

In DocViewer, annotations can be added to various images in SpeedGrader and the Submission Details page. Instructors can delete any annotations or comments for any user, and users can comment on annotations if they are not the author of the annotation. To improve the commenting experience, comments are truncated if they are longer than five lines long, comment padding has been decreased in each comment box, and comments always align with their associated annotations.

All users can select how they want to view separators in Gradebook Export CSV files, depending on their locale or user preference.

Production release notes also include API additions and fixed bugs.

View full production release notes here


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