Canvas Update – Nov 18 and 21, 2020

Filed in Canvas by on November 9, 2020

In the next Canvas Deploy (November 18), LaTeX equations can be added in any text field in Canvas and are typeset or processed by MathJax. Equations can be added through manual entry, or through the Equation editor as supported in the Rich Content Editor.

The New Rich Content Editor sidebar opens from the Links, Images, Documents, and Media content menus. The editor window is resized when the sidebar is open, which allows the user to always view content in the window. Previously, the sidebar always opened over the top of existing content.

Files uploaded to Assignments default to hidden status. This change ensures all file assets for assignments are not visible to students unless they have a link per the assignment. Additionally, notifications are not sent to students regarding hidden files.

In the next Canvas release (November 21), newly recorded media or uploaded media is stored in the Course or User Files folder, according to user role. Videos or files uploaded directly to an ungraded Discussion or to a user’s profile will be applied to a user’s personal file space. Any uploaded media for graded materials does not count towards any quota (but has a 500mb individual file limit).

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