Canvas Update – January 15, 2022
Happy New Year! The first update of 2022 has many small but helpful changes to Canvas. Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (January 15th), the expanded or collapsed state of the Course Navigation Menu persists throughout all Canvas courses.
In the Gradebook, the Missing status is removed for missing submissions that receive a manually entered grade.
In Modules, the state of the Load in New Tab checkbox is retained for External URL and External Tool (LTI) links.
In SpeedGrader, graders are notified about unposted (draft state) comments before moving on to the next student.
In Gradebook, the View menu can include the option to split student names into two separate columns and show and export first and last name separately.
In New Quizzes, Matching questions include the option to select partial credit.
Please note: There were no release notes for December 2021.
Tags: release notes, updates