Canvas Update – August 4, 2018

Filed in Canvas by on July 31, 2018

In this Canvas release (August 4), students can manage to-do items for all their courses using a List View Dashboard option. In DocViewer, comment replies are stacked together and can be expanded to view the entire comment thread. The Rich Content Editor supports the longdesc attribute for images. Welsh has been added as a supported language.

For moderated assignments, only final graders can excuse students from assignments in SpeedGrader. Institutions using Scheduler view have an updated Scheduler interface with improved functionality.

For institutions using the New Gradebook, assignment columns support a minimum width of 10 px, and Gradebook Export/Import CSV files display custom columns created via the API.

New Feature Highlight

Student To Do List – New Dashboard View


The Dashboard includes an option to view all course tasks in a list format. This view is currently only available to students. In addition to displaying automatically populated graded To Do items, the List view allows instructors to add non-graded items to the To Do list and students to add their own items to the To Do items.


Additional Details

For full details, questions, or comments about the Dashboard List View, please see the Canvas Release: Student Dashboard List View document.


List View Dashboard


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