Canvas Update – November 20, 2021
Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (November 20th), the word count for text submissions is displayed in SpeedGrader. For students, the Assignment Details page indicates whether comments have been added as an annotation or within a rubric. And in the List […]
Adding Waitlisted Students to Canvas
If you would like to add a student to your Canvas course site before they are officially added to your Workday roster please take the following steps below: Go to your Canvas course site Click on +People Make sure the Email Address radio button is selected Type or paste the student’s email address in the […]
Canvas Updates – October 16, 2021
*September’s release notes did not have any notable changes to our instance of Canvas. Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (October 16), the Account, Course, and User Navigation Menus remain sticky and are always visible on their respective pages. Additionally, course […]
Canvas Grading – Set yourself up for success!
It’s grading season again! I wanted to offer a new look at Canvas Gradebook and some tips and tricks to help ease the grading process. Canvas is NOT the official grading record at WPI (you’ll still need to manually enter final grades into Workday – here’s some tips for that) but if you’re using Canvas […]
Canvas Update – August 21, 2021
Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (August 21st), the term Feature Option in Course Settings has been renamed to Feature Preview. The Accessibility Checker Notification feature preview shows content creators when accessibility concerns are detected without needing to open the Accessibility Checker. For […]
What’s New in Canvas: the 2021 edition!
Every month we report on changes to Canvas, whether it be bug fixes, interface changes, or new features! The New Features are certainly the most exciting and there’s a little something for everyone in 2021. Here’s some of the newest and greatest things to be released in Canvas this past year. Student Annotation Assignments Instructors […]
Introducing the new Canvas and Microsoft Teams integration

New this Fall! (We’ve been waiting all Summer for this!) Microsoft and Canvas have developed 2 new Canvas apps to connect the conferencing tool Teams Meetings and collaboration tool Teams, and make them super simple to sync up with your existing Canvas course site. An update to the existing OneDrive LTI app is coming soon. […]
Canvas Update – June 19, 2021
Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (June 19th), Comments can be added and saved for reuse within SpeedGrader. This change allows graders to save frequently used comments in SpeedGrader and be reused across multiple students and assignments. When instructors and other graders […]
Canvas Update – May 15, 2021
Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (May 15), instructors can use an annotated assignment type to upload a file for students to annotate and submit directly in Canvas. This change allows instructors to provide a file as an assignment and allow […]
Canvas Update – April 17, 2021

Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (April 17), the Course Settings Participation menu includes an option to select course dates by term or course. Term start and end dates are displayed in the page. When instructors view the Settings page for […]