How to Archive Content from Blackboard for use in LMS

You may archive any course in Blackboard for future use in Blackboard or another LMS.  These archive packages can only be read by an LMS.  If you want to save all of your files in a human readable format, please read this post.

1) In your Blackboard course, go to Control Panel > Packages and Utilities > Export/Archive Course

2) Click Export Package

3) Click Calculate Size. If your course site is more than 1 gb, please contact for assistance. Course sites larger than this cannot be exported through this tool.

4) Select your Course Materials

a. Select content areas that contain your Assignments, Tests, Quizzes, or Surveys

b. You may also select the following areas (as applicable):

i. Announcements

ii. Calendar

iii. Discussion Board

iv. Grade Center Columns and Settings

v. Tests, Surveys, and Pools

c. Note: Selecting areas other than those listed above will not transfer properly into Canvas and may add clutter (empty folders)

5) Click Submit

6) After you receive the email that the Export process has completed, go back to Control Panel > Packages and Utilities > Export/Archive Course -> Export Package to download the .zip file

7) Click on the name of the file (filename begins with ExportFile_) to download it to your computer