Tag: new features
Canvas Update – April 16, 2022

Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (April 16), this Apply Score to Ungraded Assignments feature allows scores to be applied to multiple ungraded submissions at once. This change allows instructors to apply scores to ungraded submissions en masse from an assignment […]
What’s New in Canvas: the 2021 edition!
Every month we report on changes to Canvas, whether it be bug fixes, interface changes, or new features! The New Features are certainly the most exciting and there’s a little something for everyone in 2021. Here’s some of the newest and greatest things to be released in Canvas this past year. Student Annotation Assignments Instructors […]
Canvas Update – July 18th, 2020
Every month, Canvas releases new features, updates to existing features, and bug fixes to our platform. In this Canvas release (July 18), multiple previously introduced features are being enforced for all Canvas customers. Additionally, the Canvas supported browser banner will be updated to reflect the two most recent versions of Firefox and Chrome. The Alexa […]