Residential Electrical Fires: Effects of Increased Demand on Aging Electrical Distribution Systems in Victoria, Australia


Zachary R. Taillefer,  Harold Fredrick Reader,  Richard L. Emberley,  Daniel B. Distler


Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board


Peter R. Christopher,  Lauren M. Mathews


March – May 2010


This project supports the efforts of the Metropolitan Fire and Emergency Services Board in Melbourne, Victoria to investigate potential risk associated with placing high electrical demand on deteriorating residential wiring systems. Our project team analyzed electricity consumption and fire incident data, and conducted a survey and interviews which indicated the existence of an increase in electricity consumption per capita and related electrical fires from 1986 to 2009. We made recommendations to implement routine residential electrical inspections, address failing electrical distribution systems attributable to overloads and establish stronger consumer awareness of associated risk.

Final Report

Residential Electrical Fires: Effects of Increased Demand on Aging Electrical Distribution Systems in Victoria, Australia