Banksia Gardens Community Centre B14 — After-School Computer Club


Dennis Giaya,  Connor MacMillan,  Alexandra Price,  Michael Roche


Banksia Gardens Community Centre


Melissa Belz,  Joseph Farbrook


October – December 2014


Banksia Gardens Community Centre is located in Broadmeadows, the most disadvantaged suburb of Victoria, Australia. Disadvantaged communities are at a great risk of lagging behind as the world incorporates more computer-based resources into daily life and the workforce. The goal of our project was to motivate and enable the children at the center to pursue worthwhile uses of technology by providing an engaging way to learn computer science concepts in their after-school club. We also performed a technological needs assessment with solutions to improve the center’s services. From our achievements and the center’s continued effort to further computer science and technology, the residents of Broadmeadows now have a place to learn technological skills that are necessary in the modern world.

Final Report

Banksia Gardens Community Centre B14 — After-School Computer Club