A Close Look at the Emergency Services Foundation’s Program of Relief and Support


Manasi Danke, Andrew Kacherski, Ryan Kim, and James Ryan Werosta


Brigitte Servatius and Herman Servatius


August – December, 2018


This project analyzed the role and the impact of the Emergency Services Foundation (ESF), an organization serving the emergency services sector and its workers in Victoria, Australia. Using qualitative tools, such as process mapping, we re-evaluated its relief and assistance program and helped it redefine its mission to help the construction of a new strategic plan. We gathered data through interviews with representatives of nine Victorian Emergency Service organizations and other stakeholders. We benchmarked the ESF and its member organizations against other emergency service organizations in Victoria and elsewhere. Using our analysis, we were able to identify gaps in the support they provide to their workers and make objective recommendations for change.

Final Report

A Close Look at the Emergency Services Foundation’s Program of Relief and Support