PBL Webinar Part 3 of 3: Vehicle for High-Impact Practices- Reinventing Institutions

View Part 3 of Our PBL Webinar Series

Project-based learning proponents will eagerly share their experiences and ideas with colleagues, and they will work hard to build a community of practice, too, because they know the value that project-based learning brings to education. Change is rarely easy, though—especially during a time of unpredictability within a global pandemic—and moving an institution towards a culture of project-based learning can be a complicated and lengthy process.

In this culminating webinar in a three-part series, the panelists are witnesses to and actors in the shifts towards project-based learning that are currently happening throughout their own institutions—including how their PBL work is playing out in online environments. They will share their ideas about the importance of relationship building and the critical roles that assessment and evaluation play in creating educational communities that value project-based learning and seek to increase its use. By the end of this webinar you will have insights into approaches, strategies, and practices that could be used to transform your own institution into one characterized by a culture of project-based learning.

Kim Filer Headshot Kim Filer
Associate Vice Provost and
Director of the Excellence in Teaching and Learning
Virginia Tech
Margaret Shippey Headshot Margaret Shippey
Director of Faculty Development and Classroom Engagement, District Academic Affairs
Miami Dade College
Richard-Vaz Headshot Richard Vaz
Senior Fellow
Center for Project-Based Learning
Worcester Polytechnic Institute
Mike Anft
Chronicle Contributor

Want to learn more About the Center For Project-Based Learning and its offerings?

How can we help advance project-based learning initiatives on your campus? Reach out and contact us to learn more about our annual institute, faculty development workshops, consultations, PBL resources, and more. We look forward to learning more and exploring how we can develop a plan suited to your needs.

Have you seen the entire pbl webinar series?

If you didn’t have the opportunity to listen to any of the PBL webinars in this three-part series, tune in here.