
Research Experience

The SEED Lab is currently recruiting research assistants for the 2024-25 academic year. Volunteer and paid positions are available, and WPI students can earn course credit (PSY 2999, 3999, 4999). Students from all majors are encouraged to join as our work requires diverse perspectives and experience. Research assistants will gain experience at all levels of the research process and with multiple methodologies. Leadership, presentation, and publication opportunities are available for research assistants who continue for multiple terms.

SEED Neuro

WPI recently unveiled its new Neuroscience Initiative, which offers BS/MS and MS degree opportunities. This program is accepting applications! Please email Dr. R if you are interested in working with her through the Neuroscience Program. You can learn more here or fill out an information request form.

MQPs and ISPs

Psychological Science majors and double majors are eligible to complete their MQPs with the SEED Lab or in collaboration. Psychological Science minors may complete an Independent Study Project in the SEED Lab, which can count toward the minor requirements. Please be sure to contact Dr. R in your junior year to plan for your MQP.