Prof. Stewart delivers invited virtual talk to U.S. Army DEVCOM Soldier Center in Natick, MA.
Sydney presents a talk at the AIChE 2023 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL
Sydney’s presentation was titled “Quantifying the biophysical properties of bacterial cells and clusters released from biofilms after matrix-targeted disruption” and was given in the Colloidal Dispersions session.
Prof. Stewart delivers invited talk to the Chemical Engineering Department at Kansas State University!
Prof. Stewart gives invited talk to Colorado School of Mines Chemical and Biological Engineering Department!
Gabriel presents a poster at the WPI Summer Research Showcase
Gabriel’s poster was titled “Time-dependent kinetics of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm dispersal and adhesion”. Glad to have had you in the lab this summer Gabriel!
Lily presents a poster and rapid-fire talk at the 6th annual Stevens Conference on Bacterial-Material Interactions
Lily received an NSF funded student travel award to attend this conference. She was also one of few students selected to give an oral rapid-fire talk in addition to the poster presentation.
Sydney presents a rapid talk at the 94th New England Complex Fluids (NECF) Meeting at University of Rhode Island in South Kingston, RI
Sydney’s presentation was titled “Biophysical properties of cellular clusters released from biofilms after biofilm matrix disruption”.
Sydney, Lily, and Patryck present posters at WPI’s Graduate Research Innovation Exchange
All Stewart Lab PhD students presented posters at WPI 2023 Graduate Research Innovation Exchange. Sydney’s poster was titled “Biophysical properties of bacterial cells released from biofilms after anti-biofilm treatments”. Lily’s poster was titled “Development of a Staphylococcal biofilm infection model for evaluating biofilm formation at the host-pathogen interface”. Patryck’s poster was titled “Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm […]
Sydney and Patryck attend and present posters at the American Society of Microbiology (ASM) Conference on Biofilms in Charlotte, NC
Sydney and Patryck both receive WPI graduate student travel awards to attend this conference. Patryck’s poster was titled “Correlations Between Self-Produced Microscale pH Gradients and Mechanics in Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilms” and Sydney’s poster was titled “Biophysical properties of Staphylococcus epidermidis cells dispersed during matrix targeted biofilm disruption”.
Prof. Stewart gives invited talk at University of Iowa Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering!
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