Project Description
Worcester college students do not spend enough time outside due to their workload and limited access to nature. This project improved the well-being of Worcester college students by creating a sustainable plan to revamp the Worcester Intercollegiate Outdoors Initiative (WIOI). We gathered data on college students through surveys and interviews, ran an outdoor hike, and created a proposal to sustain the program. Hike participants’ self-reported a mean increase in well-being of 44.6%. We recommended using email, Instagram, and word of mouth to reach students. We also recommended the program be student-run by engaging TerraCorps and Federal Work Study students.
Project Sponsor

The Worcester Intercollegiate Outdoors Initative (WIOI) is a program created by Greg Dorschler. Greg Originally worked at Clark University organizing more than 400 events for over 1400 students. His work at Clark is what inspired the WIOI and its goal to provide college students with intercollegiate outdoor activities. Greg’s goal is to grow the WIOI so that it can host hikes and other outdoor activities between colleges in the Worcester area.
Student Researchers

Daniel Onyema (top left) is Computer Science Major. He also plays the trumpet and the baritone horn. Daniel’s contributions to the project were in the writing and editing.
Emma Nollman (top right) is a Mechanical Engineering Major as well as Psychology and Robotics Minor. She participates in Ballroom Dance Team as Secretary and the Art Club. Emma’s contributions were in research, editing, and taking notes during interviews.
Andrew Gray (bottom left) is an Electrical & Computer Engineering Major pursuing an MS in Management. Also he participates in baseball. Andrew’s contributions were in writing, editing, and facilitating interviews.
Madelyn Veccia (bottom right) is an Interactive Media and Game Design Major pursuing a BA/MS as well as a Computer Science Minor. She participates in The Alliance. Madelyn’s contributions were in research, writing, and being the lead designer.
Project Goal and Objectives