Continue reading Blackstone Canal District Alliance: Worcester’s Role in the American Industrial Revolution

Blackstone Canal District Alliance: Worcester’s Role in the American Industrial Revolution

Welcome to our page! During our project, we worked with the Blackstone Canal District Alliance and Fairfax Films to address the lack of knowledge and focus on Worcester’s industrial achievements. Specifically, we produced a promotional documentary film highlighting the Blackstone Canal as well as the inventions and innovations that came out of Worcester during the 1800’s.…

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Shalom Neighborhood Center: Resource Guide for Immigrants and Refugees

Student Researchers Our team consisted of Ashilly Lopes, a biology and pre-veterinary major; Kevin Kerhulas, a chemical engineering major; Samuel Ellison, an actuarial mathematics major; and Sebastian Rojas, an electrical and computer engineering major. Project Sponsor: Shalom Neighborhood Center Opened in 2010, the Shalom Neighborhood Center (SNC) functions as the social action branch of the Christian…

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Continue reading Dismas House: Micro-Wind Turbine Feasibility Study

Dismas House: Micro-Wind Turbine Feasibility Study

Student Researchers Anthony Capuano majors in Mechanical Engineering and Fire Protection Engineering.  He is a member of the WPI varsity baseball team. Rachel Cody majors in Chemical Engineering and minors in English. She is President of Theta Mu Chapter of Chi Omega Fraternity, and a member of the Varsity Field Hockey team. Andrew Kenyon is a Mechanical Engineering student. He is the Social Committee Treasurer and…

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Continue reading Habitat for Humanity ReStore: Weight Estimation Method

Habitat for Humanity ReStore: Weight Estimation Method

Habitat for Humanity, a non-profit organization, was founded in 1965 by Millard and Linda Fuller. Habitat for Humanity’s mission is to build houses for those who are in need. The organization has expanded over the years and now Habitat for Humanity is a world-wide organization that has aided in building more than 800,000 houses by…

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Continue reading Seven Hills Foundation: Assistive Technology Kit

Seven Hills Foundation: Assistive Technology Kit

Student Researchers: Nathan Ghion – Mechanical Engineering, 2016 Kevin Lou – Biomedical Engineering, 2016 Dalton Oakley – Biomedical Engineering, 2016 John Valley – Electrical and Computer Engineering , 2016 Project Sponsor: The Seven Hills Foundation The Seven Hills Foundation in Worcester is dedicated to ameliorating impaired individuals, using assistive technology. The Foundation has been providing services and…

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Continue reading Worcester Art Museum: Renaissance [remastered] Gallery Evaluation

Worcester Art Museum: Renaissance [remastered] Gallery Evaluation

We are a group of WPI students that worked with the Worcester Art Museum to compare the two Renaissance galleries. One favors a traditional approach while the other boasts new iPads, unique seating, and book carts. The Worcester Art Museum’s ultimate goal is to become a cultural focus of New England. In order to appeal to a…

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Continue reading Blackstone Canal District Alliance: Combined Sewer Overflow in the Blackstone Canal

Blackstone Canal District Alliance: Combined Sewer Overflow in the Blackstone Canal

Student Researchers: Chelsea Costa studies Environmental Engineering and Environmental and Sustainability Studies with experience using GIS software.  She works at the WPI Gordon Library and at the Office of Sponsored Programs as an office assistant. Paula Miller studies Biology and Biotechnology. She works at the WPI Gordon Library as a student supervisor and at New England…

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Continue reading Dismas House: Development of Energy Reduction Blueprint For Worcester Green Low-Income Housing Coalition

Dismas House: Development of Energy Reduction Blueprint For Worcester Green Low-Income Housing Coalition

Project Sponsor: Dismas House Dismas House is a non-profit organization and a member of the Worcester Green Low Income Housing Coalition (WGLIHC). The mission of Dismas House is to “reconcile former prisoners to society, and society to former prisoners, through the development of a supportive community” (Dismas House, 2014). After the recession in 2008, Dismas struggled financially…

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Continue reading Worcester Art Museum (WAM): Accessibility Assessment

Worcester Art Museum (WAM): Accessibility Assessment

Welcome to our page! During our interactive qualifying project we worked in collaboration with the Worcester Art Museum to identify ways to improve  visitor experience at the museum. Specifically, we focused on providing recommendations to improve museum accessibility for people with physical disabilities or impairments. Project Sponsor: Worcester Art Museum The Worcester Art Museum, founded in…

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Continue reading Worcester Art Museum (WAM): Accessibility Assessment

Worcester Art Museum (WAM): Accessibility Assessment

Welcome to our page! During our interactive qualifying project we worked in collaboration with the Worcester Art Museum to identify ways to improve  visitor experience at the museum. Specifically, we focused on providing recommendations to improve museum accessibility for people with physical disabilities or impairments. Project Sponsor: Worcester Art Museum The Worcester Art Museum, founded in…

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