Java programming
New features coming to 2016 RobotBuilder

RobotBuilder has seen a lot of improvements over the summer around ease of use. The big new features are: Parameterized commands. You can create a command (think set point command) that takes a parameter which is the PID set point. Then each time you want the arm, the elevator, or the shooter to move to […]
FRCSim robotics simulator new for 2015

WPI, in conjunction with the Open Source Robotics Foundation, has developed a free and open-source 3-D simulation environment available to all FRC teams using C++ and Java. The FRCsim package is built on top of the Gazebo robotics simulator that has matured under DARPA funding. Using FRCSim, teams can develop and deploy C++ or Java WPILib robot programs to […]
FRC 2168 OpenCV library for the roboRIO and BeagleBone processors

OpenCV is the premier open source vision library and can be found in many commercial and research robots. From the OpenCV web site: “OpenCV is released under a BSD license and hence it’s free for both academic and commercial use. It has C++, C, Python and Java interfaces and supports Windows, Linux, Mac OS, iOS […]
Presentation on 2015 control system

Recently we did a couple of workshops on the 2015 FRC control system. There are some slides to go with the talk and they are published here. This describes all the main components of the control system hardware and software. 2015ControlSystem
WPILib Robot Builder developer tool
One of the difficulties that we have seen teams have looking at robot programs written in Java and C++ is getting the structure correct for future development and expansion of the program. Also there is the tendency to not develop the robot program until much of the hardware is finished. To help solve both of […]
WPILib Tutorial Videos posted
There are a number of tutorial videos posted on YouTube describing robot development with WPILib. The videos walk through the process of developing a robot program for GearsBot, a small demonstration robot that uses a cRIO controller, 4 motors, and an elevator with a gripper to grab soda cans. In addition there is a video […]