Benefits of Bioprocessing for Engineers

Benefits of Bioprocessing for Engineers

Many do not realize that some fields require hands-on training; not every field can learn from textbooks, software, and modules. At the Biomanufacturing Education & Training Center, we understand the needs of the life sciences, biomanufacturing, and bioprocessing industries. Hands-on training not only helps employees develop their skills; it also helps the company as a whole. By developing a more efficient and trained workforce, a company can thrive in the booming biomanufacturing industry. Here’s why…

Benefits of this hands-on training

  • More effective problem solving/troubleshooting
  • Greater appreciation for the uniqueness of various equipment maintenance procedures for both single-use and stainless equipment
  • More efficient communication with operations staff
  • Broad understanding of equipment and material requirements (especially relevant for sales reps)
  • Increased efficiency for job functions involving biomanufacturing equipment


Employers will realize the benefits of:

  • Minimum equipment downtime
  • More consistent production results
  • A more efficient, in-synch workforce
  • Cost and time savings

So, what’s stopping you and your company? There are options out there for hands-on training, and it is time you take advantage of them. The BETC, for example, has an upcoming training: Fundamentals of Bioprocessing for Engineers  /  February 9-12, 2016

Take the first step into the new year, and start developing your skills and workforce. Learn more…

Author: Ryan Brennan

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