Pro Tip Tuesday: Give me “More Options”!

Filed in Canvas by on November 28, 2017

If you haven’t gotten familiar with your Course Detail “Settings” then you might not have noticed that Canvas has a few extra gems that can further customize your course site. Navigate to your course, then click on Settings, and find your Course Detail tab (at the top of the page).

Scrolling all the way down, you’ll find a link called “More Options.” Click on that link, and you’ll expand a number of additional settings that you can apply to your course.

More Options dropdown

Items that can be further modified include Discussion Boards, Groups, Grades, and Announcements.

Some highly desirable options here are hiding final grade totals as well as attaching files to discussions.

Don’t forget to click Update Course Details when you’re finished.

When planning your Spring term courses, I recommend you check out this area!

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to

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