Cagdas Onal
Dean’s Professor and Arseneault Faculty Fellow
Robotics Engineering
WPI Soft Robotics Lab
My research aims to enable the common use of robots by the general population. Towards this objective, I am interested in building and controlling unconventional, bio-inspired, soft robotic systems and human augmentation devices to push the envelope in robotics research.

Yunus Telliel
Co-coordinator of WPI’s Public Interest Technology University Network
Co-chair of IEEE Brain Neuroethics Subcommittee’s ‘Work and Employment’ working group
Assistant Professor, Department of Humanities and Arts | Program in Interactive Media and Game Development
My new book project, “The Future of the Future of Work”, focuses on the idea of human-technology collaboration in the future of work. As a design anthropologist, I analyze ‘the future of work’ as a framework of design and innovation in robotics, digital platforms, neurotechnology, and computational media.

Jing Xiao
Deans’ Excellence Professor
William B. Smith Distinguished Fellow in Robotics Engineering
Department Head, Robotics Engineering
Adaptive and Intelligent Robotics (AIR) Lab
My research spans robotics, haptics, multi-modal perception, and artificial intelligence, at the intersection of computer science and engineering.

Zhi Jane Li
Assistant Professor
Robotics Engineering
Human-Inspired Robotics (HiRo) Lab
My research bridges the gap between human-robot interaction and human movement science. I am particularly interested in the design of human-robot interfaces and robot autonomy for individual and team nursing robots.

Pratap Rao
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Coordinator
Mechanical Engineering
WPI NanoEnergy Lab
My research is aimed at discovering, understanding, and developing advanced materials for a range of applications including solar energy conversion, catalysis, printed electronics, sensors, and functional coatings.

Soussan Djamasbi
Program Director – Innovation with User Experience (IUX) Program
The Business School
User Experience & Decision Making Lab
My research focuses on the use and impact of technology in organizations. I use subjective measures (e.g., surveys), objective measures (e.g., performance on a task), and physiological measures (e.g., heart-rate variability, eye-tracking) to study how people use a technology and thus gain insight into designing more effective and successful systems.

Jeanine Skorinko
Associate Professor
Social Science & Policy Studies
Social Psychology Inquiry (SPI) Lab
My research program attempts to understand how factors in our social environment, especially those factors we are unaware of, influence decisions and interpersonal interactions.

Berk Calli
Assistant Professor
Robotics Engineering
Computer Science
Manipulation and Environmental Robotics Lab (MER Lab)
My research focuses on utilizing robots in sustainability projects (e.g. sorting for recycling) by solving complicated manipulation problems therein.

Loris Fichera
Assistant Professor
Robotics Engineering
Biomedical Engineering
Cognitive Medical Technology and Robotics Lab
My research focuses on the application of robotics and machine intelligence to create new lifesaving technologies. Specific focus areas include continuum surgical robots and energy-based surgical instruments.

Carlo Pinciroli
Assistant Professor
Robotics Engineering
Fire Protection Engineering
The focus of my research is designing innovative tools for swarm robotics. I am developing Buzz, a programming language specifically designed for real-world robot swarms. Recent work focuses on human-swarm interaction and multi-robot learning.

Erin Solovey
Assistant Professor
Computer Science
WPI Human-Computer Interaction Research Group
My research is in human-computer interaction, with a focus on emerging interaction modalities (e.g. brain-computer interfaces, touch sensitive fabrics, radar sensing, reality-based interaction), often applying machine learning methods to develop intelligent interfaces. Much of my work also explores effective human interaction with complex and autonomous systems and vehicles.