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Worcester Community Connections Coalition: Community Resource Guide

In C-term of 2021, a group of students collaborated with the Worcester Community Connections Coalition (WCCC) to digitize a popular resource directory called “the Blue Book”. Afterwards, a prototype website was created for the organization. Our project is a continuation of the previous project. For E-term of 2021, our team will collaborate with the WCCC…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Facilitating Effective Communication

During our interactive qualifying project we worked in collaboration with the Seven Hills Foundation to improve internal communication within the organization. Specifically, we provided strategies and recommendations to overcome the barriers of establishing effective communication. Project Sponsor: Seven Hills Foundation The Seven Hills Foundation is a non-profit health and human services organization that provides a…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Assistive Technology Exposition with Planning Guide & Toolkit

Advocate, advance, and achieve: those are the goals of the Seven Hills Foundation. With constant changes in the assistive technology field making it hard to keep up with current advancements, Seven Hills works to inform their staff and surrounding community about these assistive technologies through an annual exposition. Our team worked with staff of Seven…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Developing an Information System for Assistive Technology Applications

Project Summary Many times each month the Seven Hills Foundation Assistive Technology (AT) program office is contacted to offer advice on what apps might be appropriate for use with the individuals they serve. Most of the staff are hesitant and lack confidence to research the apps for themselves via the iTunes App Store or the Google Play Store.…

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Seven Hills Pediatric Center: Implementing a Sensory Garden for Multi-Sensory Cognitive Development

Welcome to our Implementing A Sensory Garden team page. Our Interactive Qualifying Project (IQP) involved our team to develop an interactive outdoor environment for the residents at Seven Hills Pediatric Center (SHPC). Working in collaboration with the staff of SHPC, we used a human-centered design approach to identify the needs of residents, and design features and…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Improving Efficiency for Community Outing Planning

Student Researchers Project Goal and Objectives Project Goal: Develop a digital resource that increases efficiency for Seven Hills employees to identify quality field trips for their participants. Objectives: Determine necessary and important criteria for Seven Hills community outings and develop an evaluation checklist based on these criteria. Identify, evaluate, and document venues based on criteria…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Hosting an Assistive Technology Expo

Welcome to the Seven Hills Assistive Technology Expo Page!Our Interactive Qualifying Project was to assist Seven Hills Foundation stay updated with the latest innovations in Assistive Technology. We decided to host an Expo to see if this was a good way to solve the problem, which ended up being true. To give Seven Hills our preparation steps…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Increasing the Accessibility of Assistive Technology

Student Researchers Jane Bingel, Management EngineeringAbigail Cornwell, BiochemistryMichael DiMilia, Aerospace EngineeringNathan Meersman, Environmental EngineeringNam Tran Ngoc, Robotics Engineering Project Sponsor: The Seven Hills Foundation Our sponsor for this project was the Seven Hills Foundation, a non-profit organization that helps individuals with developmental disabilities. Their programs emphasize the importance of career development skills in order to…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Assistive Technology Intervention Process

We are the Worcester Polytechnic Institute team sponsored by Seven Hills Foundation. From October 27th, 2015 to March 3rd, 2016, we worked with Seven Hills Foundation to develop a process to introduce high tech assistive technology solutions to people with disabilities living in community homes. Essentially, we developed a pilot smart home for people with disabilities.…

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Seven Hills Foundation: Assistive Technology Kit

Student Researchers: Nathan Ghion – Mechanical Engineering, 2016 Kevin Lou – Biomedical Engineering, 2016 Dalton Oakley – Biomedical Engineering, 2016 John Valley – Electrical and Computer Engineering , 2016 Project Sponsor: The Seven Hills Foundation The Seven Hills Foundation in Worcester is dedicated to ameliorating impaired individuals, using assistive technology. The Foundation has been providing services and…

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