Pro Tip Tuesday: Canvas has an “Undelete” tool!

Filed in Canvas by on September 19, 2017

Did you accidentally delete something? Don’t freak out.. it may not actually be gone forever! Before you panic, try Canvas’ “Undelete” tool.  Here’s how to do it:

1.  Go to the course site where you may have accidentally deleted something

2.  Find the root URL of your course site

For a class at WPI a root URL looks like this: (12345 being a placeholder for your unique course ID generated by Canvas)

3.  At the end of the URL, type /undelete

4.  After you press enter, you should see a list of things you’ve deleted.

Please note: This trick doesn’t work for every single case of items gone missing – so if you still don’t have any luck, Canvas Support might be able to help you locate your missing item. Just click on the Help button in the global navigation menu on the left hand side and chat or call one of our helpful Canvas Tech Support folks who are available to us 24/7.




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