Pro Tip Tuesday – Bulk Edit Assignment Dates

Filed in Canvas by on May 5, 2020

The Assignments page in canvas supports editing all assignment, discussion, and quiz dates in a single page.

Start by going to the Assignments page, and clicking on the three dots at the top and clicking on Edit Assignment Dates.


Edit Assignment Dates Page


For assignments with multiple due dates, all due dates display below the Everyone Else date, and the student, section, or group is right-aligned in the assignment name column. Only due dates and availability dates can be edited in this page—details such as changing the specific group or section assigned to the assignment must be edited directly within the assignment.


Assignments with Differentiated Due Dates


Once all dates have been adjusted, changes must be saved via the Save button. The status of the page updates can be viewed in the status percentage bar, which displays the percentage of changes saved to the page.


Assignment Date saving page with percentages showing how much has been saved


The saving date process also validates availability dates, due dates, and course and term dates. Any errors are displayed in the page to be corrected so the dates can be saved again.


Due Date Adjustment Errors



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