PW Inquiry Seminars and Practicums
See HUA’s complete listing in eProjects for information on PW-related inquiry seminars and practicums.
The following seminars and practicums will fulfill the HUA requirement for students who are focused on writing as their depth. While the same seminars and practicums are not necessarily offered every year, the following list shows some we have offered that relate specifically to professional writing:
- Inquiry Seminar: Hashtag Activism
- Inquiry Seminar: Human Factors of Medicine
- Inquiry Seminar: Intercultural Communication
- Inquiry Seminar: Loaded Language
- Inquiry Seminar: Love, Death, and Robots
- Inquiry Seminar: Memoir Writing
- Inquiry Seminar: Rhetoric and Motivation in Exercise Physiology
- Inquiry Seminar: Rhetoric of Comics
- Inquiry Seminar: Robots, AI and Ethics
- Inquiry Seminar: Travel Writing
- Inquiry Seminar: Writing about Social Media
- Inquiry Seminar: Writing about Technology Ethics
- Inquiry Seminar: Writing in Medical Humanities
- Inquiry Seminar: Writing, Rhetoric, and Social Justice
- Practicum: Advanced Science Writing
- Practicum: Writing for the Software and Electronics Industries
- Practicum: Writing for the Web
- Practicum: Writing Software Tutorials