Nasim Mansuri
Nasim Mansuri is passionate about the written word and its role in the betterment of society. She is currently pursuing a BS in Chemical Engineering and a BS in Professional Writing at WPI.
Nasim Mansuri's Latest Posts
In STEM? Make Sure You Learn to Write Instruction Manuals
You might not think that your career will have you writing many instruction manuals, but you’re wrong: it’s actually one of the most important skills in STEM — whether you’re a professional writer or not. Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about instruction manuals or the people who wrote them. Little pamphlets or […]
Professional Writing and social responsibility
Those of us who chose to major in Professional Writing are aware of how important writing well is for our future. But are we aware of the societal impact our work can have? I’ve been learning a lot about writing professionally this year, both at school and at work. One of the most interesting things […]
What’s It Like to Double Major with Professional Writing?
At the start of my college career, I found myself having to choose between two of my great interests—chemical engineering and writing. Going to WPI, it would have been foolish to lose the opportunity to earn a reputable engineering degree in favor of my more artistic ambitions, but I wouldn’t have been true to myself […]