ECG lab: parts

This lab requires about $30 in parts: an Arduino microprocessor board, a breadboard and wires, components, and ECG leads and electrodes. The following are recommended vendors; any equivalent substitute will also work fine.

BME2210 students:  

Only one Board set (Arduino UNO and Breadboard shield with wires) is required PER GROUP. Component Packs and leads will be distributed in class.

Part Vendor (weblink) Qty Cost

1. Board

Arduino UNO (or similar) Amazon 1 $12.99
Breadboard shield with wires Amazon: this or this 1 $10-15

2. Component Pack

AD623 Instrumentation amplifier Newark Electronics 1 $4.71
LM358 Dual Op-amp Newark Electronics 1 $0.46
Resistors: 220 Ω, 2.2 kΩ, 4.7 kΩ, 5.1 kΩ (x2), 30 kΩ, 100 kΩ, 1 MΩ Newark Electronics or Sparkfun assortment 8 total $1  (or $7.95 kit)
Capacitors: 68 nF, 1 μF, 10 μF Newark Electronics 3 total

3. ECG leads

Nikotabs Amazon (500/box, 100/pack) 3
Alligator clips Amazon 3
Lead wire Amazon 3