Project Description
WelcomeNST is a refugee resettlement organization using a private co-sponsorship model. Our project used technology to improve communication and information storage at WelcomeNST. We conducted interviews with Slack experts and NST members and observed WelcomeNST’s Slack workspace. We found communication disconnects, decentralized knowledge and resources, and technology limitations. We investigated potential Slack add ons and improved the Slack workspace by implementing OneBar and Slackbot. OneBar utilizes AI for knowledge capture and Slackbot provides an automated welcome message to members. We developed training documents for WelcomeNST staff to use to improve use of OneBar and Slackbot over time. These Slack integrations will help close the knowledge gaps and improve user efficiency.
Project Sponsor

WelcomeNST was founded in August of 2021; they are a co-sponsorship resettlement agency dedicated to resettling Afghan refugees. WelcomeNST is diligently working towards improving community outreach and incorporating technology to improve the resettlement process for Afghan refugees. WelcomeNST has around 53 Neighborhood Support Teams actively helping with the resettlement of Afghan refugees. Each NST consists of about 4-5 different families resulting in approximately one thousand volunteers currently enrolled in the NST programs.
Student Researchers

Molly McGinn | Biomedical Engineering | Class of 2023
Sarah Francis | Biomedical Engineering | Class of 2023
Zachery Therrien | Mechanical Engineering | Class of 2023
Uri Dvir | Computer Science | Class of 2023
Project Goal and Objectives
The goal of our project was to help WelcomeNST leverage technology to improve its overall communication and storage of information, specifically by helping the organization utilize Slack to its full potential. To accomplish this, we established three main objectives: understand technology use and knowledge gaps within WelcomeNST, gain knowledge about Slack, and finally improve WelcomeNST’s technology infrastructure.
Final Report and Deliverables
We created a simple, one-page guide to using the OneBar Slack add-on. This guide outlines the features that WelcomeNST Slack users will be using on a day-to-day basis with examples for them to follow along with.