Cromwell Watershed
The Cromwell Brook Watershed team is working with the Acadia National Park to help preserve the Cromwell Watershed. The watershed is ecologically important—it hosts fish runs, a large wetland, old forest stands, and important wildlife populations including bat populations that are quickly declining from disease and other threats. The Cro
mwell Watershed team will contribute to the preservation effort by initiating an elaborate photographic and sonic documentation of the area. This documentation will include traditional high resolution photography and sonic archiving in addition to both underwater photography and underwater sound recording. This approach is the beginning of an ongoing ‘repeat photography and repeat sonic archiving’ which will assist in the preservation process by enabling a mechanism for monitoring and assessing the watershed over time. Repeat photography has been established as a useful tool in detecting and documenting vegetation changes. The WPI team is excited about working with the Acadia National Park to improve and maintain the resilience of the natural and cultural resources in Acadia, and in preserving them for this and future generations.