Cut, Paste, Fix and Repeat

Anyone who has ever tried to cut and paste a perfectly formatted Word document into myWPI (Blackboard) has probably experienced some difficulties in doing so.  Cutting and pasting from word brings a good deal of HTML-like code with the text.  This HTML-like code has, in the past, been the cause of endless frustrations such as browser specific woes (The text displays differently in IE than it does in any other browser) , incorrect textual formatting (text is often the wrong size and font) and misaligned images.

Enter Text Fixer!

Now there is a quick fix!  Text Fixer can help you by taking your Microsoft Word Document and convert it to HTML:  Text Fixer is easy to use, just copy your text from your Microsoft Word document into the provided text box and press the Convert Word to HTML button.

Once you have actual HTML code, this can be copied and pasted into the HTML view of any text field in myWPI.

OK, wait!  The HTML view??

Getting to the HTML view is pretty simple, just click the Toggle HTML Source Mode button.  This will allow you to past the HTML generated by Text Fixer into the field.  To preview your text, just click the Toggle HTML Source Mode button a second time to return to the non-HTML mode.

3-17-2011 9-49-54 AM

Be sure to click submit at the bottom of your page in order to save your new work!