A-Term 2024 Academic Technology Reminders

Happy Fall! We’ve been keeping busy all Summer with projects and are looking forward to the start of A-Term. As always, the ATC team is here to help you with your course preparations, whether in the classroom or otherwise. Please feel free to contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our Academic Technology…Continue Reading A-Term 2024 Academic Technology Reminders

Canvas Updates – July 2024

Canvas has made many changes this Summer to improve existing functionality and added a few new things into the mix! See some of the notable changes from July below. Inbox Updates Users now have the option to set an automatic response and enable a signature when composing a message. Modules and Pages Updates Modules and…Continue Reading Canvas Updates – July 2024

Flipgrid student engagement tool moves to Microsoft Teams

Microsoft purchased the student engagement tool Flipgrid in 2023 and rebranded the tool from Flipgrid to Flip. Since then, the company has moved some of the core Flip features into Teams for Education and will be retiring the standalone app and web site by September 30, 2024. Starting July 1, Flip will no longer be…Continue Reading Flipgrid student engagement tool moves to Microsoft Teams

Canvas Discussion Board Re-Design

The Discussion Boards in Canvas have gotten a much needed overhaul! No existing Discussion functionality is going away- we’re gaining new features to create better student interaction and usability. Overview Some new features that you’ll see beginning July 20, 2024 are: • Improved accessibility and mobile UI • Flexible viewing options, including inline and split…Continue Reading Canvas Discussion Board Re-Design

C-Term Academic Technology Reminders

Happy New Year! We’ve already been busy with prep for C-Term, as classes start this Wednesday, Jan 10 despite following a Monday schedule 😊 As always, the ATC team is here to help you with your course preparations, whether it be in the classroom or otherwise. Please feel to reach out to us to schedule…Continue Reading C-Term Academic Technology Reminders

Ready for B-Term Checklist

The ATC is here to help the WPI Community with Canvas, Lecture Capture, Zoom, Classroom Tech, and more! Review the below items to make sure you’re ready for the start of B-Term: Canvas Requests: We now offer instant Canvas course modifications! Just connect your Canvas account to The Hub. You may also use this form to…Continue Reading Ready for B-Term Checklist

A-Term Academic Technology Updates (2023)

Hope you’ve all had a wonderful summer! We’ve been keeping busy as usual, and with A-Term nearly upon us, want to remind you that the ATC team is here to help you with all your Academic Technology needs. As you begin your course preparations, please reach out to us to schedule a consultation with one…Continue Reading A-Term Academic Technology Updates (2023)

Echo360: Recording from Home or Office

Blog post updated 1/9/24 Echo360: Recording from Home or Office Echo360 can be used to create video from your home or office. If you go to the Echo360 area of your Canvas course site, you’ll notice a pink Create button.   If you click on New Browser Capture, you can create a recording with the browser…Continue Reading Echo360: Recording from Home or Office

Echo360 Room List

Alden Hall Janet Earle Room Atwater Kent AK013 AK116 AK219 AK232 AK233 Boston Seaport CS131 Campus Center Hagglund Room Fuller Labs FL222 FL311 FL320 Lower Perrault Upper Perrault Goddard Hall GH227 Higgins Labs HL031 HL114 HL116 HL154 HL202 HL218 HL230 Kaven Hall KH115 KH116 KH202 KH203 KH204 KH207 Olin Hall OH107 OH109 OH126 OH218 OH223…Continue Reading Echo360 Room List

Share your Echo360 Lecture Capture Recordings

Blog post updated 1/9/2024 If you’ve used Echo360 to share recordings in the past, sharing and publishing options have changed as of January 2024. Echo360 allows you to share your lecture capture recordings in Canvas to all students through the Echo360 link in the left hand menu, or through your Canvas Modules area. You can…Continue Reading Share your Echo360 Lecture Capture Recordings