WPI has a university-wide Qualtrics account!
Visit wpi.qualtrics.com and log in with your WPI credentials to get started. If this is your first time using Qualtrics, select the “I do not have an account” option to begin….Continue Reading Tips for Using Qualtrics
Coming this fall to WPI…new options for student response!
Many faculty and students on campus have requested that WPI look into the possibility of using a virtual clicker system in the classroom. Virtual “clickers” allow students to use a mobile device (Smartphone, Cellphone, Laptop, Tablet, etc) to respond to questions posed by the instructor. The TTL team has completed a review of products that…Continue Reading Coming this fall to WPI…new options for student response!
Free Survey Tools: Choosing the best for you!
Working on a research project that requires a survey? Once you have decided on the goals of your survey, the time comes to choose a tool that will help you best implement. Here are the things that you need to consider: How many questions will the survey contain? What types of questions will be used? (e.g….Continue Reading Free Survey Tools: Choosing the best for you!